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Corporate sustainable development

We are committed to creating a health environment by using the environmental friendly technology, in terms of mitigating the operation’s impact on environment, of minimizing the waste, of preventing the pollution and potential risks and of promoting the continuous improvement of knowledge and skills of employees and to ensure that our operation is in full compliance of the relevant laws, regulations and standards

We also keep our employees and customers informed on the activities that are related to the implementation tasks of our environmental obligation, and any initiative and innovational idea from our employees and customers are encouraged

Environmental policy

  • Comply with the sustainable development policy of Mongolia
  • Be committed to exercising responsible waste management practices, to recycling the waste and to managing the hazardous waste under control
  • Operate adaptable to climate change
  • Develop a risk management program/plan on natural hazards
  • Keep the company operation open to public like local community groups and government agencies


Improve the nature resources effectiveness and promote the responsible use

Support the clients activities on environmental protection and Cooperation on the environmental protection management with clients

Conduct the risk management and environmental impact assessment surveys

Improve the waste management system

Corporate social responsibility & sustainable development


  • Setting the energy saving devices and lighting, and promoting the employees on the cost-efficiently use of all aspects and promoting the online performances, instead of paper usePromoting the employees on water-saving practices
  • Exchange experiences on the environmental protection practices and management
  • Sharing the information and building up database
  • Ensure the operation is in complaince with the relevant Mongolian laws and regulations
  • Be supportive on the activities of the parties
  • Regular monitoring of air, soil and water research and define the adverse impact
  • Define the adverse impacts of operation on the environment & potential risks, on each of the techniques and workplaces
  • Organize training on how to prevent environmental impacts and potential risks
  • Organize training on the waste minimizing management
  • Collaborate with waste management companies
  • Report on the environmental protection activities, to local community groups and government agencies
  • Make a contribution for the local community development and to protecting the environment and wildlife
  • Promote the environmental management knowledge of the local community people

Quality management policy

Adherent to occupational health & safety regulations, we deliver to our customers a timely, high standard of services and products based on the leading practices, in accordance with the environmental standards. Our purpose is to deliver our customers a high standard of services beyond the satisfaction, by doing those – keeping a regular communication with the customers to feel their sense of market needs and improving the knowledge, skilss and responsibility of employees, the techniques performances and the operation management and quality assurance system of the company. We are adherent to the international quality assurance management standard of ISO 9001.

Compliance program

The MERA team is always so keen to study the innovations and currently running a compliance program “the Loyalty and Compliance” at its operation. We are adherent to the international compliance management system standard of ISO 19600.
